Maraton Man

5 Seasons: 6 x 48' / 9 x 48' / 12 x 48' / 12 x 48' / 6 x 48' (Total 45 Ep)

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Raúl Gómez is a runner who travels the world looking for the most curious, hard and extreme races on the planet. In this 5th season he visits India, Jamaica and Greece. A cool, fun and dynamic travel programme, already broadcasted on channels of Asia, America and Europe.  

Season 1 / 2016 / HD / 6 episodes
Kenya / England / Los Angeles (U.S.A.) / Norway / Argentina / Seville (Spain)

Season 2 / 2016-2017 / HD / 9 episodes
Mexico / Sicily (Italy) / Japan / France / India /  Ultrapirineu (Spain) / Jordan / Behobia-San Sebastian (Spain) / La Habana (Cuba)

Season 3 / 2017 / HD / 12 episodes
Nepal, Running in the Everest valley / Nepal, spiritual marathon in Lumbini / Costa Rica, running in a natural paradise / Costa Rica, night run at the Irazu volcano / Morocco, storm in the desert / Morocco, the trail of Ifrane / Ethiopia, in the heart of the Hamer tribe / Ethiopia, born to run / Peru, journey to the legendary Titicaca / Peru, in the valley of the Incas / Canary Islands, mountain trail in Tenerife / Canary Islands, three islands and one team.

Season 4 / 2018 / HD / 12 episodes
Thailand, university run in Chiang Mai / Thailand, extreme trail in the jungle / Israel, from Jerusalem to the Negev desert / Palestine, marathon in the biblical Bethlehem / Portugal, trail through Celtic land / Portugal, charity marathon in Lisbon / Zimbabwe, between tradition and hope / Zimbabwe, marathon at Victoria Falls / Romania, charity race in Transilvania / Romania, trail in the Carpathian Mountains / USA, hell run in California / USA, cowboys, indians and aliens in the desert.

Season 5 / 2019 / HD / 6 episodes
India, land of "The Jungle Book" / India, people`s race in Kolhapur / Jamaica, land of high speed / Jamaica, the Kingston Marathon / Greece, trail in the Peloponnese islands / Greece, the route of Pheidippides.



“Maraton Man” starts off on his adventures travelling to Kenya, the birthplace of the best marathon runners on the planet. In Iten, the mecca of marathon champions, Raúl will try to discover the...

Maraton Man (Ep1: Kenya)

Travel / People & Places
Raúl Gómez faces the toughest obstacle course on the planet, fifteen kilometers of mud, ice and snow that turns into hell on earth for our presenter. Every year the list of dropouts is endless...

Maraton Man (Ep2: England)

Travel / People & Places
In this episode, Raúl Gómez will be moved by the stories of the Carlsbad Heroes Marathon in Southern California. A unique race on the shores of the Pacific that each year honours five heroes that have...

Maraton Man (Ep3: California)

Travel / People & Places
“Maratón Man” travels to Tromso (Norway), 350 kilometers from the Arctic Circle. There he will run a half marathon under the most extreme conditions: at night and 15 degrees below zero. He will see...

Maraton Man (Ep4: Norway)

Travel / People & Places
“Maratón Man” will face in this episode his most difficult challenge yet: crossing the Andes under the most extreme conditions. He will cover 100 kilometers in three days facing snowy peaks and...

Maraton Man (Ep5: Argentina)

Travel / People & Places
In Mexico City, the most populated city on the planet, Raúl Gómez will run a half marathon along with 30,000 people. In this fascinating, chaotic and disproportionate setting, "Maraton Man" will...

Maraton Man (Ep1: Mexico)

Travel / People & Places
Japan is one of the world's running cradles: each year 580,000 Japanese finish a marathon. Long distance races are a veritable religion in the Land of the Rising Sun. "Maraton Man" travels to Sapporo...

Maraton Man (Ep3: Japan)

Travel / People & Places Wildlife / Environment
Raúl Gómez will run a half-marathon in Jordan, a country where "running" is taking its first baby steps. In “Maratón Man”’s first Arab country of the programme, he will discover the world of "running...

Maraton Man (Ep7: Jordan)

Travel / People & Places
"Maraton Man" finishes the season facing a very special marathon in a country that is going through a tremendous and historical transformation. Cuba awakens to the "running" fever and, for the first...

Maraton Man (Ep9: Cuba)

Travel / People & Places
Maraton Man starts a new season in the Everest valley. He will discover why sherpas are so good at running mountain races. In his journey through the heart of Nepal he will witness the devastating...

Maraton Man (Ep1: Nepal)

Travel / People & Places
Maraton Man travels to Costa Rica, one of the places with the largest biodiversity in the world. He will cross the country from the Caribbean to the Pacific coast and will discover fascinating stories...

Maraton Man (Ep3: Costa Rica)

Travel / People & Places
Maraton Man searches for the secret of eternal youth in Nicoya, one of the most ancient places on the planet. Afterwards, he will set his course towards the Irazú volcano where a nocturnal race awaits...

Maraton Man (Ep4: Costa Rica)

Travel / People & Places
Bekoji, in southern Ethiopia, is the town with the most Olympic medallists per square meter in the world. The best runners in history have trained there, commanded by Sentayehu Eshetu, the greatest...

Maraton Man (Ep8: Ethiopia)

Travel / People & Places
Maraton Man travels to ancestral Thailand, a country with a lush nature where trail running is awakening. In the northern mountains, Raúl meets the Karen tribe and discovers their jungle roads...

Maraton Man (Ep1: Thailand)

Travel / People & Places
Jerusalem, a sacred city for Muslims, Jews and Catholics organizes a giant marathon for more than 30.000 runners, and Maraton Man doesn't want to miss out. A fascinating and complex city that Raúl...

Maraton Man (Ep3: Israel)

Travel / People & Places
Directed by
David Moncasi
Movistar + in collaboration with Zanskar Producciones
Spanish / English /
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