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In the heart of the Mediterranean there is a special world where bears and eagles live free among the vestiges of a distant past. It is a veritable treasure trove of biodiversity that, from the Alps to the islands facing Africa, is home to riches of inestimable value, thousands of species of plants and animals including the continent’s fiercest predators: the heron, the cormorant, the osprey, the roller, the lesser kestrel, the black widow spider, the peregrine falcon or the herring gull. This is Italy: here, a wild heart still beats alongside the art and the history.
1- The Wolf Pack is back
2- Italian Bears
3- Two Eagles
4- The Predators of the River Tiber
5- Mantis. The Queen of the waterless River
6- Rome City Strikers

Ep 1 - The Wolf Pack is Back

Ep 2 - Italian Bears

Ep 3 - Two Eagles